UNCITRAL Exp UNCITRAL Expedited Arbitration Rules (2021)
UNCITRAL Expedited Arbitration Rules (2021)
- The award shall be made within six months from the date of the constitution of the arbitral tribunal unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
- The arbitral tribunal may, in exceptional circumstances and after inviting the parties to express their views, extend the period of time established in accordance with paragraph 1. The extended period of time shall not exceed a total of nine months from the date of the constitution of the arbitral tribunal.
- If the arbitral tribunal concludes that it is at risk of not rendering an award within nine months from the date of the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, it shall propose a final extended time limit, state the reasons for the proposal, and invite the parties to express their views within a fixed period of time. The extension shall be adopted only if all parties express their agreement to the proposal within the fixed period of time.
- If there is no agreement to the extension in paragraph 3, any party may make a request that the Expedited Rules no longer apply to the arbitration. After inviting the parties to express their views, the arbitral tribunal may determine to continue to conduct the arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules